Monday, May 20, 2024

Principal’s Enhancement and Enrichment Programme for Jesuits of South Zone Provinces May 1-4, 2024

The South Zone Jesuit Provinces arranged a four-day Principal's Enhancement and Enrichment Programme for Jesuits of South Zone Provinces from May 1-4 at Maitreya Spirituality Training Centre, Bannerghatta Road, Bengaluru. For the Jesuit principals and heads of their respective institutions. 

Fr John Ravi SJ, Fr John Kennedy SJ, Fr VM Thomas SDB and Fr Rohan D’Almeida SJ the Province coordinator for secondary Education were present for the inauguration. The keynote speaker Fr John Ravi SJ highlighted the holistic development of a principal and the traits of an enhanced leader.

The Program's resource person, Fr. VM Thomas SDB, emphasized the need for transformative leadership and the Jesuit tradition of taking calculated risks. The paradigm change received more attention. Activities were provided in conjunction with the sessions to keep us engaged. Discussions covered a wide range of subjects, including networking, Bloom's Taxonomy, and the digital world. 

Our visit to Delhi Public School East on Sarjapura Road took place on the third day, where Principal MS Carvalo gave us an overview of some of the school's best animation practices.  

Transformation cannot happen without Reflection hence on the last day to gather the fruits of the programme there was a recollection guided by Fr Olvin Veigas SJ followed by the spiritual conversation. At the end of the talk, there was an individual strategic planning for the school and a road map for the future which was moderated by Fr John Kennedy SJ.

In the concluding remark Fr Rohan SJ, the coordinator of Secondary Education of Karnataka Jesuit province addressed the gathering and shed light on the current challenges faced by students and principals. The formal event concluded with handing over mementos to the attendees. The entire programme was applauded by everyone present and always remains a beautiful memory in the hearts of one and all present.